Action alert for GMOpposition Day


Launching The GMO Trilogy Through US and Canadian Health food stores and House parties

 In conjunction with GMOpposition Day, a three disc set is launched: The GMO Trilogy: Why Genetically Modified Organisms threaten your health, the environment and future generations.

It contains:
- the award-winning German documentary by Bertram Verhaag and Gabriele Kröber, Unnatural Selection—one of the world’s best GMO documentaries.

- the video Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals
- the audio CD, You’re Eating WHAT?
It will be sold through health food stores, in order to target the very important health-conscious shopper. The shelf display box boldly proclaims the critical message:

Healthy Eating Means No GMOs.”


Several natural food manufacturers sponsored this project, allowing us to keep the price low. Industry and consumer magazines are running reviews or articles on The GMO Trilogy. The Organic Consumers Association and other groups are sending out action alert, asking people to hold house parties to show the DVDs. And some stores may be playing it continuously for shoppers.


Actions You Can Take


Talk to Your Local Health Food Store Owners


Please ask your local health food store to stock The GMO Trilogy. We have a 1-page handout that gives the stores the information they need, available here. If you feel inspired, you can ask the store to set up a GMO Education Center. Several stores and co-ops do this, often in conjunction with a local GMO-related campaign. Centers can feature products, pamphlets, articles, sign-up sheets and displays. Not only will this educate a very receptive and critical sector of society, as people learn more, they will become more dedicated to buying the non-GMO products available at the store.


Host a House Party


You can also host a house party or help a friend or organization do the same. And the DVD Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals has been quite effective at inspiring a significant percentage of the audience to want to work on a local GM-Free School Campaign. Details about hosting parties and establishing local school campaigns are available here.


Consider holding your event in conjunction with GMOpposition Day.


See for more information on how to get Your Trilogy


 Disc 1, DVD: Unnatural Selection

Awarded “Best Film,” (CineEco, Portugal), “Best Long Production,” (IEFF, Brazil), and “Best Journalistic Achievement,” (IEFF, Germany).


“Meticulously researched, excellently photographed” –Ökomedia


This stunning European documentary made available for the first time in the US, reveals several harsh consequences of genetic engineering worldwide.

  • A failed GM cotton crop prompts farmer suicides in India.
  • Windborne GM canola contaminates organic and conventional farms in Canada. One farmer fights Monsanto in the Supreme Court.
  • A company seeks approval for giant GM salmon that may threaten the survival of the natural species.
  • GM pigs are born with ghastly mutations.
  • And experts reveal how inadequate testing and regulations put us at risk.

It features Vandana Shiva, Andrew Kimbrell, Percy Schmeiser and others.


Disc 2, DVD: Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals: Genetically Engineered Foods



Shocking research results, inadequate regulations and warnings from eminent scientists explain why GM foods are dangerous and should be removed from kids’ meals. The dramatic story of how student behavior in a Wisconsin school was transformed with a healthy diet provides added motivation to make a change. It features Jeffrey Smith and more than a dozen scientists and experts.

“Hidden Dangers pierces the myth that our government is protecting our food supply.”

–John Robbins, Diet for a New America


“It will change the way you look at food forever.” 
–Howard Lyman, Mad Cowboy


“The revelations in Hidden Dangers make our choice clear— take needless risks with genetically engineered food or just say no to this madness.”

–Frances Moore Lappé, Diet for a Small Planet


“Watch this video and start educating yourself.”
 –Candace Pert, PhD, Molecules of Emotion


“Play this video for parents! It’s powerful, moving, and will shake people awake to how crazy it is to feed genetically engineered foods to children. It will change what parents and schools buy, which will change what manufacturers use in their products.”

–Ronnie Cummins, National Director, Organic Consumers Association


“When parents watch scientist after scientist describe the dangers of GM foods, I wouldn’t want to be a stubborn food service director trying to stand in their way.”
–Hunter Lovins, Natural Capitalism


Disc 3, Audio CD: You’re Eating WHAT?


Jeffrey Smith, author of the world’s bestselling book on GM foods, Seeds of Deception, describes how biotech companies rigged research, hid health dangers and pressured government regulators to approve food that even FDA scientists said was unsafe.


“The most powerful presentation I have ever heard on the issue of genetically engineered foods.”
–Craig Winters, The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods