Altertour Cultural Program

Thursday, July 3

La Borie :

12h - 18h
"Bee-Keeping - Nanotechnologies"
Delphine Maillard, Patrick Pasanau
Movie show: "Le silence des Nanos",
with the Director Julien Colin
"Témoin Gênant" et "L'arbre aux abeilles" by Yves Elie.

Saint-Jean-du-Gard :

20h30 - 21h30
"Restoration of terraced water tanks in the Cévennes"
François Abbou, mayor of Peyrolles

21h30 - 23h

"Biology of doping : facts & consequences "
Lilian Ceballos, Jean-Paul Bonfils, Dominique Béroule

22h30 : concert

Wednesday, July 4

Saint-Jean-du-Gard :

Altertour Departure, downtown

Valgorge :

20h30 - 22h30
"Agriculture in Ardèche"
with local representatives

"From industrialagriculture to Agroecology"
Jean-Pierre Berlan
Agronomist - Economist

22h30 : concert

Saturday, July 5

La Roche-sur-Grâne :

20h30 - 22h30
Visit of the Amanins experimental site
agro-ecological practices: sustainable energies, management of water, compost, BRF...

Sunday, July 6

Bourg-lès-Valence :

14h - 18h
Altertour joins in a meeting for preserving urban fields
2 main topics :
"Compounding and aim of the ground"
"The ground pressure"

Workshops :
Local ground under the microscope
natural stimulation of the ground life

Marsaz :

21h - 23h
Movie show in a barn of Clé de Sol:
"Le Pollen de la Discorde",
debate with Marc Peyronnard

Monday, July 7

Pont-Evêque :

"About pesticides"
Marc Peyronnard
Friends of the Earth

Parc in Lyon:

20h30 - 22h30
"Energy in public transportation "
Gérard Leras on the transfer between road and railway
and Geneviève Ancel on the alternatives to car in cities

23h : musical entertainement


Thursday, July 8

Neuville-les-Dames :

14h - 15h30
"Local features : the Dombe ponds, chicken of Bresse "
Evelyne & Jean-Claude Bouvier
Accueil Paysan

"Local context of GMOs "
Gérard Boisnon
OGM, non merci (GMO, no thanks)

Cormatin :

20h30 - 22h30
"Sustainable management of energy "
Stephen Kerckhove

Agir pour l'Environnement

Mercredi 9 Juillet

Le Creusot :

Entertainement on Biodiversity
Morvan Ecologie et le Centre d'Accueil Permanent de l'Education Nationale
"About the forest"
groupe forestier de l'AME

Château-Chinon :

Local anti-GMO joint movement
"Non-violence facing the French justice "
Didier Dequiedt
Organic milk producer

"International solidarity "
- Julian Rose (ICPPC, Krakow, Poland)
- Ruben Bossendju (GRoupement de réflexion des Ecologistes du TOgo, Lomé, Togo)

Thursday, July 10

Clamecy :

Peasant market

Toucy :

20h30 - 22h30
Presentation of an Eco-hamlet project
Jean-Luc Delmotte
Accueil Paysan, EcoFestival

Friday, July 11

Cortrat :

Meeting with the Association for preserving peasant agriculture (AMAP) in Gâtinais

Tigy :

20h30 - 22h30
"What new research trends in agronomy?"

Saturday, July 12

Vendôme :

20h30 - 22h30
"Resistance to GE food:
from local to global"
Florent Grospart
Deputy major of Vendôme

Sunday, July 13

Berfay :

Guided tour through the farm

Le Mans :

Guided tour of the Arche de la Nature
Animation "sport & cooperation" with local sport clubs
Stalls : organic agriculture, "jardin de cocagne"
Amap, Bio-coop, "terre plus humaine

18h30 - 20h
Concert : Rictus I

20h30 - 22h30
AMAP de la Grande rivière, Arche de la Nature et de l'action du GAB

Conference of Albert Jacquard on doping in Society (to be confirmed )
(agriculture, sport, entreprise)

round-table conference and debate with the audience
Jean-Yves Aubry (Confédération Paysanne)
"non-competitive sport experiences"
representative of the Allonnes townhall
"Health and safety committee in companies"

Monday, July 14

Ste-Gemmes-le-Robert :

Welcome at the "Ferme de l'hermitage"

Argentré :

14th of July Festival at the farm
"Pâlotte se met au Vert"
One-woman show of Charlotte Normand

music :Irish folk, Rictus II

Thursday, July 15

Athée :

13h00 - 16h00
Guided tour of the Ferme Pédagogique de La Roussière
"Eco-logding : from theory to practice "
Thierry Baffou

Treffieux :

Musical entertainment : Stephen Mahomey ; Rictus

Wednesday, July 16

La Ferrière :

welcome to the the farm
Introduction to environment

musical entertainment: Philippe Faucheux ; Rictus

Thrusday, July 17

Foussais-Payré :

Welcome to la Jacotière

Verrines-sous-celles :

20h30 - 22h30
"Local distribution networks"

Concert : Rictus & Co

Friday, July 18

Genouillé :

"Earth and ground"
Philippe Morisset & Co

Accueil Paysan

Mortagne :

"Agriculture and subsistance"
Régis Hochart
Confédération Paysanne

Saturday, July 19

Mortagne :

Workshops of the Friends of the Peasant Confederation Summer School

20h30 - 22h00
"Food Sovereignty "
Aurélie Trouvée
Ruben Bossendju
(GRETO) GRoupement des Environnementalistes du TOgo

Sunday, July 20

Plassac :

"Roads management and Environment
the Great Bordeaux Ring... end of the story (?) "
Laure and Thierry Gardebois
Collectifs régionaux

Saint-Emillion :

"Organic practices in vine-growing "
Pierre Chatenet

Movie show "Alix au pays des Gènes" by Okinawa Guérard
followed by a debate with Christian Vélot

Monday, July 21

Ste-Livrade-sur-Lot :
   Intercultural Festival of Ste-Livrade, starting on Saturday the 19th

"Cultural and agronomic diversity "

Tuesday, July 22

Port-Sainte-Marie :

Guided of a Biodiversity observatory
"Protection of peasant seeds "

Barbaste :

"North-north Fair trading"
reprtesentatives of AMAP and ethical pole of Agen

Barbotan :

"Ecological mobility"
Francis Cazeils
Ecomobilité network

biofuels and substitution oils "
Alain Juste
Institut français des huiles végétales pures (IFHVP)

Wednesday, July 23

Aire-sur-Adour :

"The Pau-Langon road axis inquestion"

Lescar :

20h30 - 22h30
"The ecological inprint : notions of Decrease"
debate with Objecteurs de Croissance of Gédéol and compagnons d'Emmaüs

Musical entertainment :
Yélékabé, the Emmaüs band
Nerwaya, Burkinabé (AIDMR)

Thurday, July 24

Tarbes :

"The question of water"

Aurignac :

"Agroecology & Biodiversity in fields" or "How to untoxify fields with little animals"
Lilian Ceballos
Le Champ de la Terre

Friday, July 25

Place du Capitole in Toulouse :

"Access to the ground and peasant employment around cities :
AMAP, how to deal with demand?"

Many associations stalls

Exhibition of strange alterbikes

Vieillevigne :

20h30 - 23h
"Art & Ecology in Society "
Lilian Chardon & Co

"What alternative to industrial policies which eliminate peasant seeds, natural fertilizers, farm cheese, organic and peasant agriculture?"
Guy Kastler, Réseau Semences Paysannes
Jordy Van den Akker, Nature & Progrès

Saturday, July 26

Laure-Minervois :

"Vine-growing and animal-haulage "
Jean-Baptiste Labadie
Accueil Paysan

Olonzac :

20h30 - 22h30
The alterbikers meet the ConvivenciaCanal-Boat Festival

Sunday, July 27

Lake Salagou :

"Testimonies on 30 years of resistances"

Local level :
"Preservation of Lake Salagou"
representatives of PAIS
"Cultivated resistance to drought "
Pascal Poot of Conservatoire de la tomate

National level :
Pierre Rabhi of Mouvement pour la Terre et l'Humanisme,
"Facing a trading&genetic invasion"
Jean-Baptiste Libouban of Voluntary reapers
"Larzac : a story of resistance"
peasants of Larzac
José Bové

International level :
Susan George of Attac
Aminata Traoré and Vandana Shiva have been invited

Monday, July 28

under study : Final festival at Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, south of Montpellier


Introduction   Circuit